学费 & 费用



学费/费用 内的学生 州外学生
1-15学时 $152.每学分50元 $381.每学分25美分
15+学时 $2,287.每学期50 $5,718.每学期75美元
注册费* $15.00 /学期
学生服务费* $20.00 /学期 (full-time and part-time students)
技术支持费用* $10.00 per credit for all credit hours taken.
医疗保健计划费用* $25.每学期00英镑(如适用)
实验室费用* 因课程而异. The most current lab fees can be found in the 课程表.
逾期登记费* $25.每学期00英镑(如适用)
*Additional information about fees is provided below.


In addition to the direct costs mentioned above, 根据个别课程和学习计划,可能会产生额外的间接费用. 我们的 出勤费用 p年龄 provides students and their families with a reasonable estimate of all costs, both direct and indirect associated with attending Delaware Tech. Direct costs are billed by the College. Indirect costs are not billed by the College and are aver年龄s. 他们会根据个人课程和学习项目的不同而有所不同. Total costs may differ from the amounts presented.



劳动力发展和社区教育课程的学费将按课程收费. 了解更多十大正规赌博平台大全 Workforce Development and Community Education 类.

The tuition and fees paid by any student, 美国联邦法典第8编第1101条第(a)款第(15)段所指的非移民外国人除外. S. Code, 符合以下所有要求的学生的学费不应高于特拉华州居民学生的学费:

  1. Attended a high school located within the State of Delaware for two or more years; and
  2. 毕业于特拉华州的一所高中或获得特拉华州颁发的普通同等文凭
  3. 是否在取得高中文凭或普通同等文凭后的五年内申请入学.

没有合法移民身份的学生还需要提交一份宣誓书,说明学生已提交申请使其移民身份合法化, or will file such an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so.

Members of the United States Armed Forces readmitted under 34 C.F.R. §668.18, 或任何替代法规, 学生在服兵役时被录取参加同一专业,应收取学生离开服役时有效的学杂费, 除非先前金额的任何增加都由学生的服务成员教育福利支付. Members of the United States Armed Forces readmitted under 34 C.F.R.§668.18, 或任何替代法规, 不得向其他学生收取超过同一专业的学杂费. 本规定的学费优惠仅适用于入学后的第一学年. All terms in this Policy shall be construed as set forth by federal law.


特拉华州60岁以上的居民可以免学费参加许多学分课程. 劳动力发展和社区教育以及学院竞争性招生项目中的项目/专业课程不包括在内. Persons eligible for this privilege are not required to pay tuition 和注册, 晚注册, 学生服务费. They shall pay the cost of all books, supplies, and other fees. This privilege is granted on a space-available basis. 由于可用空间有限, 免学费课程的老年人注册时间为秋季学期和春季学期15周开课前一周和夏季学期12周开课前一周. 在老年人注册期开始之前提交的注册将没有资格获得学费减免. 学生在长者注册期开始前已注册的任何课程,均没有资格申请长者学费减免.


所有注册秋季,春季和夏季课程的学生将被评估为15美元.00 注册费 per session for credit courses only. Students can make registration changes without an additional fee being charged. The 注册费 is non-refundable.


For students taking credit courses, 每个校区将收取全日制和非全日制学生每学期20美元的不可退还费用. Senior citizens are exempt from paying this fee. 特拉华理工大学/特拉华大学艺术学位课程学生服务费是一样的.


费用 vary -- $12 per lab hour up to a maximum of 6 hours or $72 per course. There are program specified exceptions wherein the lab fees may be less or more, 视项目需要而定. 工业教育课程实验费用视课程所使用的专业设备而定.


$10.00 per credit for all credit hours taken per semester to support cost of technology, 教学/课程材料, and Internet e-mail/access for all credits taken.




延迟注册的开始日期每学期在校历上公布. 在此公布日期或之后开始注册的学生将被收取25美元的逾期注册费. 在延迟注册开始时已经注册的学生,如果他们在以后的时间添加或修改课程,将不会被评估延迟注册费用. The 逾期登记费 is non-refundable.

在下列情况下,学校教务处可免除学杂费:(1)因意外致残, certified by a physician; (2) a serious illness, certified by a physician; or, (3) campus or College functions that are beyond the control of the student, such as campus closings or problems with administrative systems.


特拉华科技公司与Nelnet商业解决方案公司(NBS)合作,以提高学生的负担能力和接受教育的机会. 分期付款计划(该计划)允许学生通过分期付款而不是一次性付款的方式来推迟学费和杂费的支付. The Plan is available each semester on the opening day of registration.

Enrollment into the Plan is only available for a limited time each semester (through the drop/add period); however, 鼓励提前注册,因为首付款金额取决于学生注册的日期. 较早注册的结果是较低的首付和更多的分期付款, resulting in much more affordable monthly payments.

After you register for 类, you can enroll into the 国家统计局分期付款计划 to pay your tuition and fees in smaller monthly installments. 这些分期付款选项的具体时间表可通过登录计划获得. If you do not wish to enroll in the Plan, you can pay your tuition and fees in full in person at the Business Office or 在线支付.

学生及家长在报名前应仔细查阅有关本计划的资料. Nelnet Business Solutions is a third party, 支付计划协议是学生和NBS之间执行的,而不是特拉华理工大学.<

查看更多 分期付款计划常见问题解答 .


学院在学术日历中公布付款截止日期,以鼓励学生尽早付款,以便他们可以通过分期付款计划增加负担能力. 在付款截止日期之前加入该计划,可以获得最便宜的每月付款选项. If a student does not make a payment by the payment deadline, Delaware Tech will not delete the registration, and the student will still be responsible to pay.

当学生在学期的第二周之前没有向学院全额付款或没有参加分期付款计划时,学生帐户将被视为拖欠. 当帐目拖欠时, the College will place a financial hold on the account, 防止将来注册, 及相关服务. 在学期结束时仍然拖欠的账户被转到催收机构.

Financial Responsibility Statement

Students are responsible for paying tuition and fees when they enroll. 学院不会因学生未交学费而删除任何注册或取消任何课程. 另外, 未参加任何课程或未收到账单并不免除学生的经济责任. 不打算上课的学生负责正式退课,以尽量减少他们的经济责任.

学费/费用 Adjustment Policy Course Drop Or Semester Withdrawal

旷课不能免除学生对学校的经济责任. 不打算参加已注册课程的学生应在学费退还期间正式退课,以尽量减少他们所欠的金额. 学院不会因学生未付款而自动删除或退学.

To receive a tuition/fee adjustment for a course drop, 学生必须先正式退课(见退课/加课/退课程序). 学生将不被收取任何学费或可退还的费用(实验室或技术支持)课程之前或第一周期间. 学生将承担50%的学费,并在第二周退课的费用. 第二周之后, students may officially withdraw from a class, but there is no tuition/fee adjustment.

除非另有规定, 学生对正式撤销的课程承担100%的学杂费. 对于少于四周的课程,没有学费/费用调整期. 在课程的第一天注册这些课程的学生负责100%的评估学杂费. The following fees are non-refundable: registration, 晚注册, 学生服务, 医疗保健计划, 审查信贷, 工作经验评估, 还有传递费.

除了以上, 当出现特殊情况导致学生无法继续学习时,学生可以申请休学. 在特殊情况下,包括失去住房在内的困难撤离是合理的, 家庭中的死亡, 严重的身体伤害或疾病, 犯罪受害, 伤亡损失, or other traumatic event experienced by the student, the student's spouse or domestic partner, or a member of his or her immediate family (including step-children, 家庭伴侣的孩子, in-laws and persons standing in loco parentis).

请求艰难退出, students must make a written request to their Campus Dean of Student Affairs Office. 该请求必须包括其所依据的事实摘要和支持该请求的任何文件. 鼓励学生尽快向教务处报告遇到的困难. 如果需要,院长或其指定人员将协助学生准备请求.

所有困难退学申请将由校长任命的全校委员会审查. The committee will include representation from student affairs, 指令, 业务服务, 金融援助, 和注册. 学生事务办公室主任将通过学院电子邮件帐户通知学生决定.

如果得到批准, 学生将获得“W”级成绩,100%的学费和可退还费用将记入学生账户. Non-refundable fees and bookstore charges will not be credited. If 金融援助 was disbursed to the student's account, the Business Office will calculate the appropriate credit. If the student has other charges on their account, 该抵免将适用于联邦财政援助条例允许的那些费用.

The decision of the committee is final. 而且不能上诉. If denied, the student is responsible for paying all tuition and fees that are owed.

Evaluation Of Prior Learning/Work Experience Fee

通过评估先前的学习或工作经验来寻求大学学分的学生, 学生申请学分的每门课程将收取相当于一学分课程学费的费用, effective with the fall semester 1993.


  • 考试费用学分
  • 额外的费用或对现有费用的变更将由校董会采取行动.

All fees listed above are non-refundable. All tuition and fees are accepted for payment of student accounts, pending final audit of those accounts by the Business Office.

学生将负责偿还学院支付给第三方的费用,如远程教育课程的在线访问费用, 电讯课程租金, 学生医疗事故保险, 等. These "pass through" charges are non-refundable.


所有的经济援助退款都是通过学生选择退款计划通过NelNet处理的,无论是直接存款还是纸质支票. To select how you would like to receive your refund, please log into the NelNet学生选择退款 程序,然后单击“管理退款”. To set the preferred method of payment to Direct Deposit, you will need to input your banking information (routing number & 账户号码). 除非另有说明,否则纸质支票将发送到特拉华理工大学存档的地址.